Examination of the industrial sites for the purpose of creation of an Industrial Park in Krasnoyarsk
The purpose of the work was to survey unused industrial sites of Krasnoyarsk for assessment the feasibility of creating an Industrial Park.
- In terms of the work there was done:There was conducted a study of five production sites (location, available land, parameters of the buildings and constructions, transport infrastructure, engineering infrastructure, ecological condition, existing residents of the site, tariffs and fees, information on the legal aspects and conditions of sale, the calculation of capital costs of the restoration of buildings and constructions, infrastructure, and creation of industrial objects and other).
- The comparative analysis of sites on three directions - technical, economic, legal were conducted on the basis of the developed technique.
- A portrait of «unified» resident has been developed on the basis of statistical data. The comparison of the characteristics of «unified resident» with existing residents is carried out.
- Survey of the condition of buildings and structures for industrial areas were executed.
- There was made an assessment of the capital costs of each production site. In some cases the invariance of capital costs was estimated (demolition and new construction, renovation, modernization).
- Negotiations with the owners of production sites and developed proposals for the scheme and the price of sale or rent of premises for each industrial site were carried out.
- There was calculated a feasibility study on the basis of data on the value of objects, existing tariffs, data about the specialization of «unified» and other resident. There was a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of creating an Industrial Park on the territory of different production sites for the state through the ratio of the budget investments in creation of infrastructure to the additional budgetary receipts from setting up businesses in the Industrial Park.
- A plan for the promotion of the Industrial Park was developed.
- Types of state support for residents under the existing laws were analyzed, the most effective from them were offered.
According to the results of work the following documents have been developed:
- A short version of the passports of sites for the dissemination of information among potential residents.
- An extended version of passports sites for internal use of the Client, plus additional information about the legal aspects and conditions of sale, calculation of the capital cost of restoring the buildings and constructions, infrastructure and the creation of production facilities.
- Rough feasibility study on each site.
- Final report, including integrated assessment at production sites, a comparative assessment of production sites, the risks and limits of realization of the project on creation of the Industrial Park, an assessment of specialization of the Industrial Park, a plan to promote industrial Park, forms of a state support.
- A technical report on a technical condition of buildings on each plant site (5 volumes).
6. The report «Capital expenditures. Estimates and calculation».